Category: What Not to Do on a First Date

  • What Not to Do on a First Date: Old Photos Edition

    I am always baffled by the audacity of some people on dating apps. It’s the weird in between in which I’d like to believe that there is some human decency when it comes to dating, but I prepare for the worst regardless. Now, I’m no stranger to men using old photos. I have gone on…

  • What Not to Do on a First Date: Rejection Edition

    Having been single for longer than I’d like to admit, I’ve somehow developed an aversion to dating, not for any particular reason, but in general. The idea of meeting a stranger on the internet, and going out with them just to make small talk and inconsequential conversations about mundane nothingness just doesn’t sound all that…

  • What Not to do on a First Date: Catfish Edition

    First and foremost, if you don’t know what a catfish is, here is a picture of a catfish. But that’s not the catfish I’m talking about in this blog post. According to Urban Dictionary, the type of catfish I’m talking about is defined as “a fake or stolen online identity created or used for the…

  • What Not to do on a First Date: Anxiety Edition

    First and foremost, I want to say that this entire date and the decisions prior to the date were just a string of poor decisions on my part with no logical explanation whatsoever. With that disclaimer, please enjoy the hilarity resulting from my poor decisions. I hope you find this story funny and can laugh…